
ビンラディンおじさんも温暖化問題に参戦 !?

Osama bin Laden concerned about climate

OSAMA bin Laden believes climate change is more damaging than war.
An audio recording attributed to the al-Qaeda leader and broadcast on the internet yesterday expresses concern about the devastating floods in Pakistan and calls on Muslims to provide relief for the victims."The number of victims caused by climate change is very big... bigger than the victims of wars," says the recording.If genuine, the recording would be Bin Laden's first since March 25.
温暖化脅威論者がビンラディンにあやかって強硬手段にでたのかな??? ビンラディンでも駄目なら今度は宇宙人にでも協力してもらうのでしょうかね...。






今年の911 inside job movement






911のWTC崩壊から発生した粉塵を科学者グループが分析したところ、アメリカの軍­でしか作れないハイテクである「ナノ・テルミット」が大量に含まれていることが判明。­この物質は鋼鉄を簡単に溶かすほどの高温を出せるだけでなく、ダイナマイト以上の爆破­力を持っているとのこと。このナノ・テルミットが、まだ未反応の状態で粉塵の中に大量­に含まれていることなどを、コペンハーゲン大学のニールス・ハリト (化学)がデンマー­クのテレビニュースで説明します。

日本で言われるように一部の頭のおかしいキチガイ陰謀論者だけがそういうことを言っているのではないことがこれで分かります。お上の言うことは絶対思想であり、「常識」やら社会的「コンセンサス」を自分の頭で考えず、調べもせず、疑いもせず、メディアの言うことを蓄音機のように連呼し、声を上げない「社畜」、「sheeple」が多い日本に比べ、「個」というものをしっかり持ち、自ら考え主張する欧米人との差がこのような911inside job運動といった形で現れるているのだと思います。常識的に考えて911は当方も明らかにおかしいと思います。政府や軍事レベルの関与がなければできない事件だと思います。第7ビルは飛行機が衝突してもいないのに火災で自由落下するかのゆにぶっ壊れる。さらに第7ビルは崩壊していないのにBBCの記者が崩壊したというフライング報道を行ったり、航空関連株プットオプションが事前にあったりとあらかじめテロの犯行を知っていなければ物理的に不可能な現象が多く起きている。





話を911に戻すが、当方が思うにこの911insde jobe運動自体「彼ら」が実は仕掛けている(もしくは利用しているので沈黙している)のではないかと思います。アメリカ国内のTurther系のブログや掲示板を観察すると、どうやら911はシオニストの仕業という風潮が出てきています。メインストリームではアル カイダですが、ネット界ではシオニストと一部の米国政府内の反逆者連中が勝手に行ったことだと...。つまり一部の反逆者、犯罪組織が行ったから米国民は悪くないといっているように聞こえてきます。恐らくそういう魂胆なのでしょう。

仮にinside jobでありシオニスと反逆者が行ったと判明した場合、アメリカの一般国民は彼らに騙された被害者だから悪くないし、一部の反逆者連中の組織的な内部犯行と 訴え続けていた米国民は沢山いるから国際世論から同情を得られる。
つまりこの運動の目的は、真相がバレた時、もしくは何らかの形でバラすときの「保険」としての役割を持たせているのではないかと。 911暴露の黙認も何か意図があって行っており、そしてそれに反応した市民運動も良いように利用されているのかもしれません。このように分析すると、これはまさに社会工学が駆使されている可能性があります。


Minerals in Afghanistan worth $1 trillion, U.S. says

「 偶 然 」 見つかったそうです...。



UPDATE 3 過激で画期的な「二酸化炭素削減方法」のプロモーションCMが英国で話題に!!




こちらがちなみに10:10のキャンペーンサイト。サイトが良くできていてグラフィカルでフレンドリーな感じですが、実態は優生学主義であり新興宗教集団に近い存在なので、くれぐれも "JoyUs" のところでサインなどしないように...。

UPDATE 1 05/10/2010


There will be blood – watch exclusive of 10:10 campaign's 'No Pressure' film

Today we put up a mini-movie about 10:10 and climate change called 'No Pressure'.

With climate change becoming increasingly threatening, and decreasingly talked about in the media, we wanted to find a way to bring this critical issue back into the headlines whilst making people laugh. We were therefore delighted when Britain's leading comedy writer, Richard Curtis - writer of Blackadder, Four Weddings, Notting Hill and many others – agreed to write a short film for the 10:10 campaign. Many people found the resulting film extremely funny, but unfortunately some didn't and we sincerely apologise to anybody we have offended.

As a result of these concerns we've taken it off our website.

We'd like to thank the 50+ film professionals and 40+ actors and extras and who gave their time and equipment to the film for free. We greatly value your contributions and the tremendous enthusiasm and professionalism you brought to the project.

At 10:10 we're all about trying new and creative ways of getting people to take action on climate change. Unfortunately in this instance we missed the mark. Oh well, we live and learn.

Onwards and upwards,

Eugenie, Franny, Daniel, Lizzie and the whole 10:10 team


ところで最近日本でも「Global warming:地球温暖化」と言わず、「Climate change:気候変動」とネーミングが変化してきているが、上手く問題のフォーカスを自分たちに都合が良くなるようにズラしてきていますね。
最初は「Green house effect:温室効果ガス」とを使っていましたが、Co2による温室効果はほぼ飽和状態であり、


ブルーライン:温度 グリーンライン:CO2





SOURCE:Atlantic Hurricanes



そして2009年11月に世紀の大スキャンダル「クライメートゲート」事件(今後解説予定)が発覚し、この名前が使えなくなりつつある時に、ロシアから日本に掛けて起きたジェット気流の蛇行とラニーニャによる今年の高温の真夏(実はこの高温現象は局所的であり、温暖化とは関係がないです。今後解説予定。)がタイミングよく?到来し、ネーミングを変更せずに済んで一安心な状態なのでしょうかね、温暖化脅威終末論者やIPCC、環境省、金融界、中国など新興国の連中は...。一応次のネーミングはすでに決まっているようで「climate science気候科学」となっているらしく気候と環境と人間とエネルギー問題に変化したらしいです。要するに 全 部 です。もはや人間の活動を制御するためならネーミングや問題の焦点はなんて何だっていいことになっている...。もう無茶苦茶です。



ハンガリー・・・1,000万トンの一部 : ?円
ラトビア・・・150万トン  : ?円
ポーランド・・・ ?トン  : 36億4,000万円


環境問題のウラ 1/20 (長いですが必見です!!)


UPDATE 2 06/10/2010


UPDATE 3 07/10/2010

Sony is pulling its support of the climate change campaign 10:10 after slamming the video that showed school children being blown up as “ill-conceived and tasteless”.

Breaking news !! Fed To Disclose Emergency Lending Details By December 1!!

The end of FED is in the final stage?

Well, Will the Americans and the world be able to wake up, escape from the American dream( The world by manufacturing money out of nothing ) by FED like Cobb of the movie "Inception" and come back to the real world?

By the way, Who does implant the idea of "End the FED"( Inception ) in our mind?

"Mark Pittman Wins: Fed To Disclose Emergency Lending Details By December 1"

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/29/2010 15:49 -0500

Mark Pittman's last valiant effort to bring some transparency to the most destructive organization in the history of mankind has succeeded. According to testimony to be delivered to the House tomorrow, "under a framework established by the act, the Federal Reserve will, by December 1, provide detailed information regarding individual transactions conducted across a range of credit and liquidity programs over the period from December 1, 2007, to July 20, 2010. This information will include the names of counterparties, the date and dollar value of individual transactions, the terms of repayment, and other relevant information. On an ongoing basis, subject to lags specified by the Congress to protect the efficacy of the programs, the Federal Reserve also will routinely provide information regarding the identities of counterparties, amounts financed or purchased and collateral pledged for transactions under the discount window, open market operations, and emergency lending facilities." Luckily this action by Bernanke will prevent the rioting that would have followed an appeal to the Supreme court, which would have certainly sided with the secretive group of Keynesian priests. If nothing else, the plethora of data will keep the blogosphere preoccupied for days upon days, rummaging through millions of pages of explicit corruption.

Let's see now if December 2nd leads to the end of the world destruction that the Clearing House Association threatened would happen should the Fed disclose these details, as we reported a year ago. To wit:

The Clearing House submits this declaration because the Court's Order threatens to impair the ability of our members to access emergency funds through the New York Fed's Discount Window without suffering the severe competitive harm that public disclosure of their identity will cause.
Our members have accessed the New York Fed's Discount Window with the understanding that the Fed will not publicly disclose information about their borrowing, especially their identity. Industry experience, including very recent and searing experience, has shown that negative rumors about a bank's financial condition - even completely unfounded rumors - have caused competitive harm, including bank runs and failures.
If the names of our member banks who borrow emergency funds are publicly disclosed, the likelihood that a borrowing bank's customers, counterparties and other market participants will draw a negative inference is great. Public speculation that a financial institution is experiencing liquidity shortfalls - which would be a natural inference from having tapped emergency funds - has caused bank customers to withdraw deposits, counterparties to make collateral calls and lenders to accelerate loan repayment or refuse to make new loans. When an institution's customers flee and its credit dries up the institution may suffer severe capital and liquidity strains leaving it in a weakened competitive position.
Or maybe, just maybe, the banks will survive, and all their bullshit will be exposed for the hollow threats it has always been, very much like the end of the world that would have occured had Goldman and AIG been, gasp, allowed to fail.

Below is the relevant section from the Bernanke testimony to be given tomorrow before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs:

A final element of the Federal Reserve's efforts to implement the Dodd-Frank Act relates to the transparency of our balance sheet and liquidity programs. Well before enactment, we were providing a great deal of relevant information on our website, in statistical releases, and in regular reports to the Congress. Under a framework established by the act, the Federal Reserve will, by December 1, provide detailed information regarding individual transactions conducted across a range of credit and liquidity programs over the period from December 1, 2007, to July 20, 2010. This information will include the names of counterparties, the date and dollar value of individual transactions, the terms of repayment, and other relevant information. On an ongoing basis, subject to lags specified by the Congress to protect the efficacy of the programs, the Federal Reserve also will routinely provide information regarding the identities of counterparties, amounts financed or purchased and collateral pledged for transactions under the discount window, open market operations, and emergency lending facilities.
Full testimony can be found here. We really do hope at least one Congressman will have the guts tomorrow to ask just how it is that the Clearing House Association allowed this act, which will inevitably lead to the collapse of the banking system, to proceed?

And FED seems to have already announced the statement for the reform.

Chairman Ben S. Bernanke "Regulatory Reform Implementation"

Before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C.
September 30, 2010

Chairman Dodd, Ranking Member Shelby, and other members of the Committee, thank you for the opportunity to testify about the Federal Reserve's implementation of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 (Dodd-Frank Act).

In the years leading up to the recent financial crisis, the global regulatory framework did not effectively keep pace with the profound changes in the financial system. The Dodd-Frank Act addresses critical gaps and weaknesses of the U.S. regulatory framework, many of which were revealed by the crisis. The Federal Reserve is committed to working with the other financial regulatory agencies to effectively implement and execute the act, while also developing complementary improvements to the financial regulatory framework.

The act gives the Federal Reserve several crucial new responsibilities. These responsibilities include being part of the new Financial Stability Oversight Council, supervision of nonbank financial firms that are designated as systemically important by the council, supervision of thrift holding companies, and the development of enhanced prudential standards for large bank holding companies and systemically important nonbank financial firms designated by the council (including capital, liquidity, stress test, and living will requirements). In addition, the Federal Reserve has or shares important rulemaking authority for implementing the so-called Volcker Rule restrictions on proprietary trading and private fund activities of banking firms, credit risk retention requirements for securitizations, and restrictions on interchange fees for debit cards, among other provisions.

All told, the act requires the Federal Reserve to complete more than 50 rulemakings and sets of formal guidelines, as well as a number of studies and reports, many within a relatively short period. We have also been assigned formal responsibilities to consult and collaborate with other agencies on a substantial number of additional rules, provisions, and studies. Overall, we have identified approximately 250 projects associated with implementing the act. To ensure that we meet our obligations in a timely manner, we are drawing on expertise and resources from across the Federal Reserve System in areas such as banking supervision, economic research, financial markets, consumer protection, payments, and legal analysis. We have created a senior staff position to coordinate our efforts and have developed project-reporting and tracking tools to facilitate management and oversight of all of our implementation responsibilities.

The Federal Reserve is committed to its long-standing practice of ensuring that all its rulemakings be conducted in a fair, open, and transparent manner. Accordingly, we are disclosing on our public website summaries of all communications with members of the public--including banks, trade associations, consumer groups, and academics--regarding matters subject to a proposed or potential future rulemaking under the act.

In addition to our own rulemakings and studies, we have been providing technical and policy advice to the Treasury Department as it works to establish the oversight council and the related Office of Financial Research. We are working with the Treasury to develop the council's organizational documents and structure. We are also assisting the council with the construction of its framework for identifying systemically important nonbank financial firms and financial market utilities, as well as with its required studies on the proprietary trading and private fund activities of banking firms and on financial-sector concentration limits.

Additionally, work is well under way to transfer the Federal Reserve's consumer protection responsibilities specified in the act to the new Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection. A transition team at the Board, headed by Governor Duke, is working closely with Treasury staff responsible for setting up the new agency. We have established the operating accounts and initial funding for the bureau, and we have provided the Treasury detailed information about our programs and staffing in the areas of rulemaking, compliance examinations, policy analysis, complaint handling, and consumer education. We are also providing advice and information about supporting infrastructure that the Bureau will need to carry out its responsibilities, such as human resource systems and information technology.

Well before the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act, the Federal Reserve was working with other regulatory agencies here and abroad to design and implement a stronger set of prudential requirements for internationally active banking firms. The governing body for the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision reached an agreement a few weeks ago on the major elements of a new financial regulatory architecture, commonly known as Basel III. By increasing the quantity and quality of capital that banking firms must hold and by strengthening liquidity requirements, Basel III aims to constrain bank risk-taking, reduce the incidence and severity of future financial crises, and produce a more resilient financial system. The key elements of this framework are due to be finalized by the end of this year.

In concordance with the letter and the spirit of the act, the Federal Reserve is also continuing its work to strengthen its supervision of the largest, most complex financial firms and to incorporate macroprudential considerations into supervision. As the act recognizes, the Federal Reserve and other financial regulatory agencies must supervise financial institutions and critical infrastructures with an eye toward not only the safety and soundness of each individual firm, but also overall financial stability. Indeed, the crisis demonstrated that a too narrow focus on the safety and soundness of individual firms can result in a failure to detect and thwart emerging threats to financial stability that cut across many firms.

A critical feature of a successful systemic or macroprudential approach to supervision is a multidisciplinary perspective. Our experience in 2009 with the Supervisory Capital Assessment Program (popularly known as the bank stress tests) demonstrated the feasibility and benefits of employing such a perspective.1 The stress tests also showed how much the supervision of systemically important institutions can benefit from simultaneous horizontal evaluations of the practices and portfolios of a number of individual firms and from employment of robust quantitative assessment tools. Building on that experience, we have reoriented our supervision of the largest, most complex banking firms to include a quantitative surveillance mechanism and to make greater use of the broad range of skills of the Federal Reserve staff.

A final element of the Federal Reserve's efforts to implement the Dodd-Frank Act relates to the transparency of our balance sheet and liquidity programs. Well before enactment, we were providing a great deal of relevant information on our website, in statistical releases, and in regular reports to the Congress. Under a framework established by the act, the Federal Reserve will, by December 1, provide detailed information regarding individual transactions conducted across a range of credit and liquidity programs over the period from December 1, 2007, to July 20, 2010. This information will include the names of counterparties, the date and dollar value of individual transactions, the terms of repayment, and other relevant information. On an ongoing basis, subject to lags specified by the Congress to protect the efficacy of the programs, the Federal Reserve also will routinely provide information regarding the identities of counterparties, amounts financed or purchased and collateral pledged for transactions under the discount window, open market operations, and emergency lending facilities.

To conclude, the Dodd-Frank Act is an important step forward for financial regulation in the United States, and it is essential that the act be carried out expeditiously and effectively. The Federal Reserve will work closely with our fellow regulators, the Congress, and the Administration to ensure that the law is implemented in a manner that best protects the stability of our financial system and strengthens the U.S. economy.

1. See Ben S. Bernanke (2010), "The Supervisory Capital Assessment Program--One Year Later," speech delivered at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 46th Annual Conference on Bank Structure and Competition, held in Chicago, Ill., May 6; and Daniel K. Tarullo (2010), "Lessons from the Crisis Stress Tests," speech delivered at the Federal Reserve Board International Research Forum on Monetary Policy, Washington, March 26. Return to text

At last, we may be able to watch this on December 2nd!!